Friday, September 17, 2010

My Parody Sign

For this project, my goal was to create a parody sign out of an Oversize Load sign for my Digital Design Class at school. To start my project, I contemplated different sign designs that I've seen in the past, and tried to decide which sign could potentially be changed to become a funny parody. I finally came up with using an Oversize Load sign to warn people of an upcoming woman with a rather large backside. Cruel, yet undeniably funny. I started my dream sign on Photoshop. I had some trouble though, trying to make my proportions relevant and trying to make the person's backside even. Since this was my first project on Photoshop, I planned on having a few problems with my unfamiliarity of the software. In the future I will be able to make my projects cleaner and more exact, since I have some experience under my belt. I am very happy with the way my design turned out. When I look at it, it makes me stop and think, "Wow!". This was my planned reaction. I hope you enjoy my sign! :)

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