Friday, September 17, 2010

Text Tool -Self Portrait of Me

This project is called "Text Tool-Self Portrait of Me". I created this for my Digital Design Class at school. My goal was to create a Self Portrait of myself, only being able to use the Text Tool on Photoshop. Even though my self portrait doesn't look exactly like me, I wanted to make sure I especially included my more dominant physical features, such as my big smile. While I was working on my project, my deadline was a problem. Since I am a perfectionist, it is hard to speed up my creative processes and let the little things go. When I was working on my hair, I couldn't seem to get it right. From lack of experience with Photoshop, I came to find out that instead of having to find the copy of a letter in my side toolbar before working with it, I could simply right click on an object and then work with it. This simple difference would have saved me hours of work time. I feel like in the end I was successful in recreating my face.

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