Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cyborg Project

Whats On Your Mind

This project was all about taking a picture of ourselves, quick masking the picture, and then using the lasso tool on photoshop to cut the top of our heads and seperating them from our body. Then, we can have an array of objects coming out from our heads and we can show what we have on our minds. I love pumpkins and all the gardens we have at my house in the spring and in the fall. My dad grows huge pumpkins and that is a big discussion topic at my house. So, I decided to put myself in a pumpkin patch and then have pumpkins coming out of my head. It is a unique idea, yet very personal to me. After I finished putting the pumpkins in, I burned the edges of my head to make it look like the pumpkins are coming out, and I added brush tools to make it look like vines are hanging off of them. I am very happy with my product because it really shows what is important to me and I worked really hard on this project.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bottle Cap Assignment

For the bottlecap assignment I used my boyfriend for inspriration. I knew that if I made him a magnet and two or 3 necklaces for him to wear with this design on it, then he'd love it. I started with a 1x1 in document on photoshop and I got a picture of a heart from the internet. We were instructed to make our project about a heart. I cut out the heart the way it would look nice with the background, and I pasted onto a 1 in diameter circlue. The writing says, "The key to my heart", and has my name in the heart. I gave it to my boyfriend and told him he had the key to my heart. He loved it. This project was very successful.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Silhouette Design of Me

For this project I dressed up in a nice outfit. Then, I took 3 pictures. I put the pictures onto photoshop and I used the quick mask mode to cut out my pictures and put them into this document. I chose the 3 triadic colors of orange pink and brown for my background, because they would go with my dress well. The background is a gradient. I also have a gradient inside two of my pictures. This adds a cool clean look that I like a lot. By having two of my pictures filled in it also helps bring my focus on the main picture of myself. I downloaded air brushes from the internet and I used different colors to create a nice look for my picture. Since I am smiling and wearing pretty colors, I used fun energetic colors for my airbrush affects. I had a problem picking the colors for my gradients and I had some help from my teacher with how to pick appropriate colors to use. I am very happy with the outcome because I think my overall picture comes together and the colors are all appropriate.

Famous For 15 Minutes - Andy Warhol

 For this project I wanted to look good, since Andy Warhol was all about being famous for 15 minutes. I wanted to look famous. He was the father of Pop Art and pop art was about changing the color scheme of a picture and messing with different colors. In my top left box I have a purple for my monocromatic color. In the next box to the right of that is puple and yellow, complementary colors. The next box is green, yellow, and purple, these are split complementary colors. To the right of that is my picture using orange, purple, and green, representing triadic colors. I used purple for all the boxes in order to tie the whole thing together. I think all of my colors go nice together. I am happy with the project because I tried my best for the colors not to color and make my face so dark that I couldnt see my face. I edited my picture quite a bit in order to make my face recognizable and make it so my colors distributed.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Text Tool -Self Portrait of Me

This project is called "Text Tool-Self Portrait of Me". I created this for my Digital Design Class at school. My goal was to create a Self Portrait of myself, only being able to use the Text Tool on Photoshop. Even though my self portrait doesn't look exactly like me, I wanted to make sure I especially included my more dominant physical features, such as my big smile. While I was working on my project, my deadline was a problem. Since I am a perfectionist, it is hard to speed up my creative processes and let the little things go. When I was working on my hair, I couldn't seem to get it right. From lack of experience with Photoshop, I came to find out that instead of having to find the copy of a letter in my side toolbar before working with it, I could simply right click on an object and then work with it. This simple difference would have saved me hours of work time. I feel like in the end I was successful in recreating my face.

My Parody Sign

For this project, my goal was to create a parody sign out of an Oversize Load sign for my Digital Design Class at school. To start my project, I contemplated different sign designs that I've seen in the past, and tried to decide which sign could potentially be changed to become a funny parody. I finally came up with using an Oversize Load sign to warn people of an upcoming woman with a rather large backside. Cruel, yet undeniably funny. I started my dream sign on Photoshop. I had some trouble though, trying to make my proportions relevant and trying to make the person's backside even. Since this was my first project on Photoshop, I planned on having a few problems with my unfamiliarity of the software. In the future I will be able to make my projects cleaner and more exact, since I have some experience under my belt. I am very happy with the way my design turned out. When I look at it, it makes me stop and think, "Wow!". This was my planned reaction. I hope you enjoy my sign! :)